Many students and even employed persons believe that you must pay for a platform to conduct a survey or develop a questionnaire. So let’s talk about relatively free platforms from my experience:
-Google forms. This platform is so much better than it used to be. The challenge is making sense of where to enter what for more complex questions. If it is too difficult, for a small fee, we can guide you. - JotForm. Very diverse in its offerings, and they give enough free forms for you to get your survey done. My only challenge has been the implementation. For some reason, when questionnaires are sent, there are glitches in questions and responses. The headache to fix these forms alone makes me avoid this platform. - Microsoft Forms.-If you have access to this in the workplace, with a little practice, you can easily become an expert. Information is easily transferrable into an excel sheet and the process of formatting complex questions is easy to figure out on your own. The platforms present possible data analyses that you may not have considered in your data analysis plan. -QuestionPro. The lowest level package used to come at a cost, but now it is free. The challenge with this platform is the time differences of your settings to one of the platform’s main offices. So you may think you are closing off the survey at 10 am your time, and really, you are at the platform’s time. This may cause problems in the number of responses you expect to receive if your survey ends too early. Otherwise, it is a great platform that brings quality to your work. There are many other questionnaire platforms, but I encourage you to research them first. Also, take the opportunity to do a test run of your questionnaire with friends and family to ensure proper questionnaire distribution. Key words: survey, questionnaire, thesis, dissertation, research, Microsoft Forms, QuestionPro, SurveyMonkey, Google Forms. This does not exist. In fact the thesis requires you to have the ability to develop a methodology of acquiring information.
Key words: thesis, methodology, dissertation. |